#!/usr/bin/gnuplot set terminal postscript eps color solid "Helvetica" 26 set output "si.dos.ps" set zero 1e-18 set xlabel "E [eV]" set ylabel "DOS" set xrange [-5:5] set arrow from 15.2873,-0.4 to 15.2873,0.4 nohead lt 1 plot "si.dos" using 1:($2+$3) title "DOS" w l lt 1 lc 1 lw 2 plot "si.dos" using 1:2 title 'si dos' w l lt 3 lc 3 lw 2 #set arrow from 15.2873,0 to 15.2873,14 nohead lt 3 #set ylabel "charge" #plot "si.dos" using 1:4 notitle w l lt 1, 10 lt 2 pause -1 'Hit any key to continue'